Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Skating Queen

Isabella had been asking for roller skates for weeks, but I hadn't gotten around to buying her any, so a few nights ago, I was working at the computer and she was playing in the office. She got two pieces of paper, put them on the floor, stood on them and slid her feet back and forth. She said, "Mommy, look! I'm roller skating!"

Although I was impressed by her ingenuity, I felt guilty and promptly went out and bought her a pair of proper roller skates. She, of course, couldn't stand up in them without us holding her hands. But, yesterday, I wanted to take her picture in them, so I sat her down on the driveway to take her picture. I was taking it, she managed to stand up, BY HERSELF, and take a few steps.

She was, rightfully, quite proud of herself.

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